When Institut Lyfe students get involved

In a world where solidarity and mutual assistance are more crucial than ever, our students stand out for their commitment and dedication to social causes. Central to this altruistic dynamic are the various activities Institut Lyfe students take part in throughout their studies.

Trait d’Union at the heart of solidarity

Trait d’Union is much more than just an association: it is a community of committed students who dedicate their time and skills to improving the lives of others. The association’s initiatives are varied and cover several areas:

  • Outreach work: students regularly organise outreach initiatives, distributing food and clothing and providing comfort to homeless people on the streets of Lyon. This close contact with the most disadvantaged enables them to forge strong human connections and gain a better understanding of the realities of unstable living conditions.
  • Activities in specialised centres: in collaboration with various hospitals and medical care facilities for children with eating disorders, Trait d’Union carries out activities to educate people on eating well.
  • Intergenerational exchange: collaborations with care homes for the elderly promote intergenerational exchange. These encounters allow students to discover life stories rich in wisdom, while bringing joy and companionship to the elderly.

Concrete action to promote student well-being

The student association For A Safer Lyfe was recently set up to address the growing challenges of student mental health and well-being. By raising awareness of the need to speak openly, as well as key issues such as student mental health, this association aims to establish an ever-safer environment for the students of Institut Lyfe.

The first initiatives were implemented during the last school year, including workshops in partnership with the Nightline France association, a free and anonymous night-time helpline, and talks on topics such as sexual harassment.

For A Safer Lyfe’s activities illustrate a deep commitment to the well-being and safety of students. By dealing with critical issues, the association contributes to creating a more inclusive and caring environment. These actions are important steps towards building a stronger, more resilient student community.

Gastronomy and solidarity

Joining forces to be stronger:  Les Cuisines Solidaires and Les Toqués du Cœur

For several years now, Institut Lyfe has been working with the Tablée des Chefs to produce more than 400 meals for the Restos du Cœur food charity, in what are known as Les Cuisines Solidaires (Solidarity Kitchens). The mission of Tablée des Chef is to fight against food insecurity, which relies on the culinary education of future generations. Over two weeks, Tablée des Chef raises awareness among the students of hotel schools. Institut Lyfe is proud to participate in this major event.

The latest activity was the competition Les Toqués du Coeur. This project, which is both creative and supportive, is a true testimony to the altruistic spirit that drives our students on the Bachelor’s in International Culinary Arts Management and the Bachelor’s in International Pastry Management.

Students are invited to take part in this in-house competition, where they must design a complete menu, made up of a starter, main course and dessert. The challenge is to respect precise specifications whilst demonstrating originality and culinary mastery. The winning menu is then produced by our students and volunteer staff, before being distributed to L’Archipel, Villeurbanne’s social food centre, in partnership with Restos du Cœur.

More than 300 meals were served during the first edition in November 2023, testifying to the success of this initiative and the commitment of our students. This project not only helps feed people in need, it also creates a link between our students and the local community, strengthening the social fabric and sense of solidarity.

From an academic project to reality: Pâte Vadrouille

Our students continually demonstrate their creativity and solidarity in seeking to improve the well-being of others. The Pâte Vadrouille initiative is a perfect example of this, illustrating how academic projects can be transformed into concrete actions that have a positive impact on society.

After writing their thesis on food insecurity, Anatole, Lisa and Clovis, three students on the Bachelor’s in International Restaurant Management, decided to do something, and launched a solidarity food truck in partnership with Le Prado, an association working for the development of young people.

In partnership with Lustucru, our three students travel to markets and other events to offer dishes based on gnocchi at reduced prices. In the evening, the food truck changes its mission, distributing meals to people in need. The aim is to directly combat food insecurity by offering free meals to those who need them the most.

Find out about upcoming Pâte Vadrouille locations

The actions of our student associations – Pâte Vadrouille, Les Cuisines Solidaires and Toqués du Coeur – perfectly illustrate the values of altruism and solidarity among our students. Through their engagement, they confirm that higher education is not just about acquiring academic knowledge, but also about becoming responsible, caring citizens.
We are proud of our students and their actions, which bring a glimmer of hope and human warmth to those who need it most every day. Their dedication and generosity are proof that, even on a modest scale, it is possible to make a significant difference to the lives of others.