Funding your studies

Institut Lyfe (formerly Institut Paul Bocuse) promotes equal opportunities and counts diversity as a fundamental priority. Because finances should not be a barrier to pursuing higher education, several options are offered to help you fund your studies and make your dream a reality.

Benefit from a scholarship

State scholarships from CROUState scholarships

Institut Lyfe is authorised to accept State scholarship students.

Our Bachelor’s programmes in Management of Culinary Arts, Pastry, Hospitality & Restaurant, and our MSc in International Hospitality Management are eligible for Crous scholarships.

Depending on your level, you can benefit from annual assistance covering up to 50% of tuition fees.

International students are generally not entitled to the CROUS scholarship. They need to check if they are eligible.

Conditions and registration on:


Institut Lyfe  FOUNDATIOn

Excellence scholarships are also awarded to French and international students admitted to the 1st year of a Bachelor’s degree, by the Foundation for Institut Lyfe, to fund part of the tuition fees.

These are renewable each year, based on academic and attendance criteria.

More info about Institut Lyfe scholarships.


Other scholarships

Some scholarships can also be awarded while courses are underway such as:

  • Mobility scholarship, intended for students wishing to take up a placement or go on an exchange abroad. 
  • The assistance grant assists students facing unexpected life events during the course of study that may affect their ability to continue their education.

NEW: The scholarship program is open to MSc-Master Of Science programs in the upcomingt September intake. Ten new scholarships of €2500 each will be granted to French or international students admitted to one of our two BAC+5 programs, upon selection.


Taking out a student loan

Alternative solutions to scholarships can also help supplement your budget, such as a bank loan.

Institut Lyfe (formerly Institut Paul Bocuse) has 2 partner banking institutions. You can therefore benefit from a student loan at a preferential rate to finance part or all of your studies according to suitable terms.

Placements, casual work, student jobs

During your time at our school, you will complete up to 21 months of paid placements. This income can also contribute to financing your course.

Institut Lyfe offers numerous and varied opportunities for professional experience: placements in businesses, casual work, student jobs on our campus, etc. This allows our students to enrich their professional experience while earning income.