Q&A: ask your questions
Faire défiler la pageDon’t miss our question and answer session with our educational teams on Thursday, June 11, to discuss your projects and ask any questions you may have.
This session will be entirely dedicated to our postgraduate programmes (4-year specialisation and 5-year degrees). An opportunity to learn more about the various courses of study in the culinary arts, hospitality and food service sector.
You can also join one of our videoconferences and ask all your questions directly to our program directors:
- 4-year specialisation (2-3pm): https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81379705632
- Master’s degree in Culinary Leadership & Innovation (3-4pm): https://us02web.zoom.us/j/99349598737
- MSc in International Hospitality Management (4-5 pm): https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82536272469